Club Rules


Name of the Club

1. The Club shall be called Lloyd’s Golf Club.


2. A candidate for election to the Club must have the following qualifications:

(i) A candidate must be with a firm of Lloyd’s Underwriting Agents or Lloyd’s Brokers and must be, or must have been, actively engaged in the Insurance Market for not less than two years at the time of his or her application for membership.

(ii) A candidate must be over 21 years of age at the time of his or her application for membership.

(iii) A playing candidate must be a Member of and have a handicap not exceeding 18 at a recognised Golf Club.

(iv) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee has full powers to accept or decline any candidate for membership of the Club without any reason being given.


3. All Members shall be elected by ballot by the Committee.

4. Candidates for election must be proposed by one Member, seconded by another Member and endorsed by an Officer or Committee Member of the Club. Additionally, support from six Members will be required. The proposer and seconder must have known candidates for at least two years. A Member cannot propose, second or support more than two applications per year.
Officers or Members of the Committee may not propose or second a Candidate.
A Member cannot propose, second or support an application until he or she has been a Member of the Club for two years.


5. The entrance fee and subscription shall be as determined by the Committee from time-to-time.

6. Notice of resignation shall be sent to the Hon. Secretary on or before 31st December in each year.


7. An annual general meeting shall be held in December each year for election of Officers and Committee and for general business.

8. A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Committee on receipt of a requisition signed by ten Members.

9. The Committee shall consist of the Officers, Vice Presidents and eight Members with power to add to their number, three to form a quorum.
Members of the Committee will be appointed from time-to-time to fulfil specific roles such as Dinner Secretary; Spring Meeting Secretary; Summer Meeting Secretary; Autumn Meeting Secretary and Fixtures Secretary.
Two Members of the Committee shall retire annually in rotation and shall be eligible for re-election.

10. Vice-Presidents may be elected by the unanimous vote of the Committee.

11. The Officers of the Club are the President, the Captain, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer and they shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election.

12. The affairs and competitions of the Club shall be managed by the Committee, who shall have full powers.


13. The Committee shall on receipt of a requisition signed by ten Members, enquire into the conduct of any Member, due notice having been given to him or her, and may, if they think fit, suspend him or her, call upon him or her to resign, or expel him or her.


14. Competitions shall be held at such time and under such conditions as the Committee shall from time to time determine.

15. No Member may compete in any competition until all monies due to the Club have been paid.

16. All competitions shall be played under the Rules of the Links on which they are played.

Alterations of Rules

17. No rule of the Club shall be repealed or altered, and no new rule made, except at an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting, of which seven days’ notice shall have been given to the Members, with particulars of such alteration or addition.


18. Any Member may arrange a match against another Club or Society, but must first obtain permission from the Honorary Secretary.

Club Colours

19. All Members when playing for the Club in any match are requested to wear the Club tie.